Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Photos, finally!

Still no internet at my apartment, but there is wireless in the IES building, so I am writing from my laptop while we all watch a movie, auf Deutsch naturlich. Hopefully there will be internet soon! Birgit needs to call the husband of someone she works with, and he's going to help us set it up. Let's hope that is ASAP. But for now, here are some wonderful photos for you to enjoy. You can see a little bit of how different it is here.

This is my room at my apartment. Very orange! It's really cute. They don't have boxsprings here, they have beds that are more like futons--but they are still comfortable.

This is our living room. You can see Birgit's record collection. It's pretty intense. On the right side is a bright red couch, but you can't see it in this picture.

This is the bathroom. Please note that the toilet and the tub are very high off the ground. I am small. You do the math. It's one of the most american-ish showers here...most are just tubs. You can see Tigger, Birgit's cat. He likes to jump in the tub and drink out of the faucet. He's really fat and I like him a lot.

This is the kitchen. It's small and cute.
And here ends the tour of my flat in Berlin :) Soon I will have more pictures detailing the surrounding area..it's really cute and old.


Joan said...

I finally have your blog!
So happy to finally be connected again! Your pictures of the flat are awesome and looks like you are going to be very comfortable!
So different there compared to our end...and the records! Sweet! Do they not have CD's or is this something she collects?
So nice! I could add to her collection.

Have a wonderful time and Thanks for sharing your pictures!
Missing you,
Love you lots,
Matante Joan :)

Ann said...

Hey Hey,

Nice little place! Sorry you don't have internet yet, maybe you should try buying an internet cable and just connecting the old fashioned way! Keep posting those photos.

Love ya, Mom